Back-end Development Services

Building the foundations of your business with reliable back-end solutions.

TAB Software specializes in providing high-quality solutions for client-server projects. Our team of experienced developers is equipped to handle all your back-end needs, including database design and management, blob data storage, server-side programming, and API development.

Our services are tailored to meet the specific requirements of each project, ensuring that your business needs are met with the utmost efficiency and effectiveness. We pride ourselves on delivering scalable, reliable, and secure solutions that can handle the demands of even the most complex projects.

Our team has a strong track record of delivering successful projects for a wide range of clients, and we are confident that we can help you achieve your goals. Contact us today to learn more about how we can integrate our back-end development services with your project.

Back-end Architectures


A monolithic software application is a large and complex software system that is built as a single, integrated unit. It typically contains all of the components and features needed to perform a specific set of tasks, and is designed to be run on a single machine or server.

They can provide a high degree of integration and control over the entire system, and may be well-suited to certain types of tasks or environments.


A microservice back-end model is a type of software architecture in which a large application is divided into smaller, independent units called microservices. Each microservice is responsible for a specific function or feature of the overall application and is designed to be modular, scalable, and independently deployable.

Overall, a microservice back-end model enables us to build and maintain complex applications in a more efficient and scalable manner.


A serverless back-end model is a cloud computing architecture that allows us to build and deploy applications without the need for dedicated servers or infrastructure. In this model, the cloud provider manages the infrastructure and automatically scales the resources based on the workload of the application.

The application is broken down into individual functions or microservices that can be triggered by events or user requests. These functions are executed on the cloud provider's infrastructure and the results are returned to the user. This allows for a more efficient and scalable approach to application development and deployment.

Back-end Server Models


An on premise server model is a type of server model where the server is physically located on the premises of the organization that is using it. This means that the server is owned and managed by the organization and is typically located in a dedicated server room or data center within the organization's facilities. This model allows for greater control and customization over the server and its data, as well as increased security and privacy. It also requires the organization to handle all aspects of server maintenance and management, including hardware and software updates, backups, and security measures.


A cloud server model is a type of server architecture that allows for the allocation of computing resources on demand from a pool of virtualized resources. This model allows for the creation of virtual servers that can be accessed and managed remotely, allowing for flexibility and scalability in the allocation of resources. In this model, users can choose the specific type and amount of resources they need for their applications, and the cloud provider manages the underlying infrastructure and ensures that the resources are available as needed. This model allows for the creation of a virtual infrastructure that can be accessed and managed from anywhere, making it ideal for businesses that need to quickly and easily scale their computing resources.


A hybrid back-end server model is a combination of traditional on-premises servers and cloud-based servers. This model allows an organization to utilize the benefits of both types of servers, such as the scalability and flexibility of the cloud, while still maintaining control over their data and infrastructure on-premises.

In a hybrid back-end server model, the on-premises servers would be responsible for handling sensitive data and applications that require high levels of security and performance. Meanwhile, the cloud-based servers would be utilized for more flexible, scalable workloads that may require access to larger amounts of computing power.

Technologies We Use

Cloud Hosting Partners

Languages and Frameworks

Database Management

File Storage

APIs (REST and GraphQL)


Message Brokers

Authentication and Authorization

AI and Machine Learning